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Enfold 6: Dynamic Content, Custom Page Layouts, and ACF

    Enfold version 6 has some exciting features such as Dynamic Content, Custom Page Layouts, and offers ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) Support for ALB (Advanced Layout Builder) elements.
    For example lets say that you want to create a number of posts about famous paintings and you want to create a custom layout for these, but you want the flexibility so that if in the future you need to make a change you won’t need to edit hundreds of posts, and after you have created the layout you would like to have the content dynamically fill the post design elements instead of manually creating each post. Then you will love Enfold 6. Lets see how we can easily build this out, assuming that you have Enfold installed, then you can add the free Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin and add a new Field Group
    For this example we will name it paintings and add these six simple fields. Here is a link to my example Field Group export file so you can follow along.
    Now will create our first post and add the information to the ACF fields, leaving the main content area empty, note that the post is using the ALB.
    Now we will head over to Enfold ▸ New Custom Layout and choose our post as the Underlying Entry ID so we can preview the custom fields:
    and begin using the ALB to create our Custom Page Layout. First we will add a column with a image for the painting image, we could have added a image to the Field Group, but in this example with will use the WordPress featured image since we can also use many of the default WordPress fields for the Dynamic Content. For the image element, and some other elements you need to add a fallback image to the element in case the post doesn’t have a image in the custom field.
    in the preview area you will see the Dynamic image:
    Then we will add a Special Heading element with the painting title:
    and artist name as the sub-heading:
    Then we will add the painting description to a text element:
    after adding our other items we have our basic layout complete:
    Now the last step is to add our Custom Page Layout to our post:
    and ensure to choose the layout to show in the element:
    Now all of the elements show on the frontend of the post:
    Now it will be easy to add more posts like this just by filling in the ACF custom fields and if we ever want to change the layout this is one place to edit them all.
    While this has been a simple example I think that you can see how powerful this can be, if you found this post helpful leave a comment and let me know how you are using this new feature.

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